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161�rw*m <br />Background: According to the resolution approved at the May 26, 1992, <br />11 <br />council meeting, the engineering staff' has completed the preparation of <br />11 <br />the feasibty, study for City Project 111 oo,92-m-25,, reconstruction of <br />railroad cross ing on Terminal Road east of Walnut Street. <br />'The CItyCouncil prev*ously approved the <br />Policy Objectivieso. I <br />is <br />reconstruct ion of two railroad crossings for, 1992., Theis project <br />0 <br />consistent wiloth, the policy established regarding, locations to be <br />0 <br />upgraded,, These, include the following: <br />Public hearings will be held consistent, with state statute to <br />idler upgrading of' any railroad crossings 'if project costs <br />cons 1 <br />are assesisledi <br />Financial Implications: Theise projects have minor' financial <br />I ill <br />im-plications for the city including the following: <br />'The type and location of the crossing may warrant fe'deral <br />assistance to play up to 70% of the cost of the repair. <br />20 'That plortion of the cost not funded by federal monies, railroad <br />monies, or, assessment will be financed, from the street <br />maintenance fund., <br />