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M5rM-= P74VM1111Mn2MM= <br />F <br />Department Approval,. Manager Reviewed, Agenda Section: <br />Hearings <br />C <br />Item Description: Inter City 0 411, request for an interim use <br />permit for a temporary structure at 1681 Rice <br />Street. <br />I0,17 0 1 <br />Alt,eIrnat leves 1: <br />10 Denythie request based on the finding that the proposal woul <br />be detril"mental to the general health, safety., and welfare. i <br />2 Approve the request based on the f inding that the proposal <br />w "11 not be detrimental to the general health,, safety F and <br />I <br />we 1, fare <br />a <br />11 To approve interim use permits for structures relating to <br />,clean up of service station, s"ties., <br />2, To approve interim, use permits, where it is demonstrated. that <br />the proposal would not be detri'mental to the general health, <br />slafety, and welfare. <br />Staff Recommendation: <br />it is recommended that the City Council approve a three year <br />.Int,er i,m, use permio t, for a structure to house equipment. <br />relat,ing to ground water contiaminat 'ion clean up at 1691 Rice <br />Street . <br />1*161 <br />