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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 6-08-92 <br />ITEM NO.: .._ <br />Department Approval Manager Reviewed Age-nda Sect Pion: <br />Reports and <br />Recommendations <br />Item Description W1 Donald Roblert,s request f or sign variance al <br />221,0, Terminal T..oad. <br />Oil M <br />i's The City Council, at the 1992 meeting,, continued <br />Donald Roberts riequest for a sign variance at 2210 Terminal <br />Road until June 8,, 199�2 blecause the applicant was not <br />pr,esient.i The City, Council also directed staff to explore the <br />* bility a <br />posisil of a monument sign, instead of the proposed pylon <br />"sign ith the applicant. <br />wil I <br />City staff' discussed the matter with Mr. Robert's Attorney <br />N <br />and, has received the attachied letter ind icating that Mr. <br />Roberts does not des lire a mionument sign. The previous staff <br />report is attached for Council information. <br />1 ei it i,s recommended that the City Council approve Donald <br />0 0 <br />Robert's request, for a variance to allow <br />• sign in the public <br />right-oif-iway at 2210 Terminal Road with the following <br />4P <br />conditions. <br />a That, the, s ign be moved, at no cost to the City 'if th <br />right-of-way in question is needed for public purpose i <br />the future e I <br />0 <br />bw 'That the size of 'the sign not exceed 710 sq. feet and th <br />height not exceed 20 feet. -I <br />a <br />Motion to, approve Donald Robert I s request f or a variance ta <br />allow a, siLgn on the public riight�of-way at 2210 Terminal Road <br />w ith the, following conditions: <br />a. That the si 14gn be moveild at no cost to the City elf the <br />5 <br />right-of-way in question is needed 'for public purpose in <br />thie future. <br />be That the size of the sign not exceed 70 sq. feet and the <br />height not exceed 20 feet.1 <br />