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aRMIQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 6/8/9Z <br />[17lepartment, Algpjpoval: Manager Reiv3oewed! <br />ITEM NO <br />q <br />a <br />Itea Description,. Award of bid,, City Project P-92-06, Terrace Driv(88- <br />a I <br />extension recolTst:ic1ztioLT. <br />Background: On April 27, 1992, the council approved the plans and <br />specifications and, ordered the advertisement for bids for project P-92-06 <br />0 <br />This project involvies,the reconstruction, of Terrace Drive from Fairview <br />Avenue easterly to the cul-de-sac, Bids were received for this project <br />loin May 261.. '199�2,o <br />'Polic�y Object I'Ves Based on past practice, the City Council has awarded <br />the contract to, the lowest responsible bidder., In the case of Project <br />P-92milill-06, the l,olwes,t bidder 'is We B,, Miller,, Inc. of Ramsey, Minnesota, <br />a <br />As indicated, in, the attached letter from SEH,, the project engineer, W'. <br />i <br />Bill Miller,, Inc,.l is a responsible bidder. <br />al <br />Uinanciwl Impl 18catilons 'Three bids were re,cieived ranging f rom <br />0 <br />$211f21209301 to $228,133.20,., The estimated project cost from the <br />feasibility report d,atied, February 10,, 19921 is $251,.911,. The engineer's <br />estimated construction cost is $206,,,81,1,,, <br />9 0 <br />The following is a, summary of the contractors who bid the project and <br />Oi <br />tihe amounti of their bidso <br />Wm B,. Miller,, Inca $211,220930 <br />Flo K, Fratitalone, $225,1720927 <br />Ashbach Construction $228 IF 133 a 20 <br />Financing for this project will come from, a combination of Municipal <br />State Aid, funds, utility funds,, special asisessments, and tax 'increment <br />f 0 if <br />i,n,a,ncing'. <br />Staff Reco=iendiati,on: The council accept the bid and award the contract <br />for Clity Project P-92-106 to W. B. Miller, Inc. of Ramsey, Minnesota. <br />�1 40!10) Y", y"I Al I <br />a <br />Approval of reSiOlUtiion, awarding bid for Prio3ect P-92mill-06, Terrace Drive <br />extension reconstruict,i,oin, from Fairview Avenue easterly to cul-de-sac, to <br />W. Bi. Miller, Inc. ofRamseyi Minnesota 'in, tihel amount of $2110,220o30* <br />