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AN ORDINANCE MODIFYING CHAPTER 119 OF THE CITY CODE <br />OF THE CITY 01F ROSEVILLE REGULATING BINGO, AND LAWFUL GAMBLING* <br />The City Coun,cil of the City of' Roseville, Minnesota, <br />does hereby ordaint., <br />10 <br />31 a <br />The Roseville Cil',ty Code Chapter 119 i's amende& to read <br />P <br />119, lawful. Gambl,inj <br />11,9,,,010 Lawful Gambling., <br />Lawful gambling as, regiulated, by Minnesiota, Statute Chapter 349, is <br />itted in the City i,f the orgahl'i ion conducting such <br />pie rm I lait <br />activi,ti,es meets the following cril',teria* <br />licleinsied by the Minnesota, Gambling Control Board, <br />2. Is a tax exempt organization pursuant to 501(c) of the <br />I,n,t,ernal, Revenue Code or has, a 501(c) application penaing <br />w itl tihe Internal Revenue Service, <br />i <br />3. Maintains, an address within the City, <br />