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liar -Mar, Incal Case o.1 2128 <br />N <br />Ein�gineerinq Consider,ation's <br />Zm� <br />Rolic� <br />Y Considerations <br />It has always been Roseville's policy to vacate public rights-of-way when <br />it has been dletierminied, that they are no longer n�eeded. The only <br />obstacle, to making that determination in this case$ is the consideration <br />of future LRT needls that was discussed above. <br />3. CONCLUSION <br />The land in question is not needled for the purpose that it was acquired <br />to serve. The City has discussed, this subject, at length with the owners <br />and there is general support for the vacation of this right-of-way. We <br />would sugglest that any recommendation forwarded by the Planning <br />commission on this issue include the the following conditions . <br />The exact west line of this land should be determined by the <br />Engineering, Department following the, completion, of the survey; <br />and <br />2, The issue of potential, future LR,T corridor easement requirements <br />should be explored and the City Council should determine what <br />agreemr ent,, if any is si needed with the benefitting property owners <br />related to, thous issue. <br />