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jiffy Labe and Conoco PUD Narmfivi M <br />Page Wo 'I <br />Z67 Y- :W W I -Z" <br />The south half of the, road wW be completed, with MAW curb, and giutter, and curb cuts. <br />;Me north half of the road wM be Without curb and, gutter, and will be finished when, the north <br />rproperty 16s developed. <br />See plan for arrangement of the access road components. <br />We believe an appr *ate des'Ign has been created as an, alternative to the Har Mar site. All <br />Opn <br />*wnershiv%, parfies are receivine benefit, and" the Rosevffle Commum"ry wi gain as well with <br />fte adde.1 service and rivnvenience. <br />