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ii M71111111 <br />The, code allows pylon signs 'in the I-1 District to be 25' in <br />height and 10�O slquare. feet in area, set back 40,f from the front <br />lot line., 'The proposed sign is, 2411 tall and 100 square feet in <br />area,, <br />M o IPrerq� �� <br />'The proposed s. ilgin meets the standards in, the Code in terms of s ize <br />and, height - it is, Prioposed to be located 80 1 back from the <br />cienterl, line of Terminal Road (54 1" from the curb) which 'is <br />equivalent to a 4011 setback from a, typical 801-wide right-of-way, <br />as illustrated on the attached drawingsw <br />WAAW1 XXV4:4 <br />a <br />we, recommend approval of the variance request with the condition <br />that 1, if and when the the Roberts property is sold for <br />reldevielopment, the City be able to remove the sign, with no <br />aiddi"tional compensiation, to Mr,, Roberts or, the owner at that time. <br />