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M � - 6 � 11 <br />''III i <br />Also,, the funds must be used completely. outside of the politicalarena. use of the funds sho <br />be controlled by an Independent comimiss' I <br />i ion or a board of directors. Roseville has a Parks and <br />Recreation Commission that could se,rvie as the cleaning house for u�sing the ROU ND UP m�oney. Therc <br />is also a Treel Task Forice that could make recommendations to the Commission. <br />The money could also be deposited Into a, truSt fund and only the interest, would be, useld. This would <br />be feasible for a big city (like, Los Anig�e,les), beiclause the potential amount of contributions, would be <br />hi�gh,. However,, Roseville has only, 10,000 meters so the potential revenue it 710, percen�t participated <br />would be $'3,1500 per quarter (.701 x 10,000 meters x .510 cents) or $114,000 per yeari, <br />711"hat are some of'the benefits for the Roseville chizens and businesses? <br />Businesses will fi'nd ROUND-UP a, coinveni I ent way to make, tax deductible contributions to a progrA <br />0' <br />that directly benefits them�. By participating at the $510,1 S I OiO, or higher, level, th eir contributions will - he[ <br />make, Roseville a more beautiful city- thus, customers and I <br />clients wi'll'enj�oy doing business, in Rosevilli <br />ls' t ale support In Rioseville for such a prograrn? <br />