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REQUEST F R,COUNCIL ACTION DATE** 5-11-92 <br />ITEM N0e: 3---3 <br />Department Approval Manager Reviewled. Agenda Section. <br />201 Mr. Hewitt proposes to remove an existing non-conflorming <br />detached garage and replace it with an attached garage. The <br />garage would have a side yard setback of 3 -o 8 f eet at the <br />front corner and, feet at the back corner. <br />a <br />Af fecte,d adjacent neighbors have signed approval of th <br />a <br />variance request & <br />4o The Minor Variance committee, felt this was a reasonable <br />ft "1 0 <br />request based on the harasinipi presented by the location of <br />the house on, the lot which, 'is, not. perpendicular to Hamline <br />.0 <br />Avenue and, because the location of the existing access door, <br />stepsi and, wiell room on the, house make the proposed location <br />and width, the only, r,easona,bile alternative. <br />A,lternativ�esi: <br />It <br />10 Deny the variance based on, the finding that no hardship or <br />practical difficulty existisi. <br />2* Approve the, variance request, based on the finding that a <br />hardship and/or practical difficulty exists on the slote, <br />A <br />1-1 ctives <br />Po 1, icy Oib e <br />To, insiure that development occurs consistent with the Cl*ty's <br />comprehensive pl,an,anid zoning ordinances. <br />0 <br />2,w To grant var iances where hardsh i4ps or practical d if f 10culties <br />e.y. <br />I 4i <br />10 It is recommended, that the City Council approve John Hewitt's <br />