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Backaround <br />State, law provides that the govern ing body of a second class city may <br />establish their, own salaries as, members of that governing body. This <br />must be accomplished by ordinance and cannot take effect until after the <br />01 0 <br />next succeeding municipal election. <br />In Roseville,, the salaries of' the Mayor and City Council have not been <br />reviewed since ',1986. At that time,, the following increases in monthly <br />salary were passeld: <br />1988 -1�2P.9 <br />Mayor $550 (10%) $6010 (9%) <br />51 41 <br />Attached is a listing, showing, elected officials" salaries for similarly <br />situated c imUles in the metropolitan area, This listing shows that RoseqffiP <br />ville'si elected officials" salaries are lagging behind those of other <br />c,ir-les <br />Councill may want to consider 'increasing salaries for the years shown <br />bleilow. <br />Effective Date of Increase <br />,1/In dc <br />. Oil/ 9 4 11101/191.511 <br />Mayor <br />Council <br />R1 0 <br />Motioln instructing sta,f f to prepare an ordinance to adopt increases fo <br />Mayor land, City Counc oil sialaries i I <br />