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Irb1m, <br />z%EQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: nl- <br />0 P... t <br />1TEM NO* 0 <br />Department Approval; Manager Reviewed Agenda Sect 14on. <br />Reports and Recommendations <br />item Descrio,ption:: Approval of' an Agreement between the City of Roseillllllllllllllli <br />Villie and the Ramsey County Library Board. <br />Backg ound <br />,On January 13,,1 19912,1 the City Council approved a working relationship <br />0 <br />with, the Ramsey County Library Board to, provide up to $300,000 for <br />demolition of' the exiest"i,iong Library building and additional site work. <br />can W <br />The Ramsey County Library Board and the,Clity have been working coopera <br />t ol <br />lively Oil in, the concept and des ign phases for a new 1 ibrary. <br />V& <br />At the City Council work session of March 16,, 1992, the preliminary <br />schematic plains of the proposed Roseville Branch of the Ramsey County <br />Library were reviewedand received the approval of City Councialll, <br />Thi 11"s Agreement, is intended, to provide City Council an opportun 14ty to <br />revilew and approve each of' the des Oil ign phases of this proj ect and <br />contribute to, the development of a bu l*ldi* ng suitable for the longo-term <br />needs olf Roseville residents. The $3001,000 City commitment makes <br />r,-e-ossi"bille a, new and expanded Branch Library rather than retrofiting the <br />existing facilitv,. <br />ddb <br />inanicia , 1 1 i,c,at ionsi <br />Funds for this purpose are recommended to be authorized from the Tax <br />III Di 4 0 <br />Increment Financing (TIF)--Construct,ion fund., This is an appropriate <br />usie of' those m,on,ies as it priovid,es a benefit to the entire community. <br />Mlot ion to, authorize the Mayor and City Manager to execute the Agreement <br />beIween, the City of Roseville and the Ramsey, County Library Board to <br />' a <br />provide a,sis i6stance gin tihe construction of a, new, Roseville - Librari <br />