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.1 <br />,15 <br />TOO Steve Sarkozy <br />FROM* Laura Kushne <br />SUBJECT: MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL SALARIES IN' METRO ARJ- <br />a <br />Attached, is, a listing of Mayor/City Counc *11 salaries f or <br />41 <br />cities in the metropolitan area with a population over -20,,000,, <br />,This information' was, obtained friolm' a survey conducted by the <br />is 0 10 0 6 a <br />Associazion of Metropolitan Municipalities released in April. 1992 <br />'The a,verages at the bottom, of the sheet, have been prepared <br />three ways: I <br />the average for all, cities listed on the sheet (i.e. <br />0 <br />with populiation, over 20 1000) <br />the average for all es, with a population between <br />2 8, r 0 0 0 and 4 71 0 0 0 mail <br />Apple 'Valley <br />Blaine <br />Brooklyn Center <br />Eagan, <br />Eden Prairie <br />Edina, <br />Alevi <br />Haple Grove <br />D:aplewood <br />ff di <br />_Uchfield <br />0 <br />St. Louis Park <br />I <br />0 111 a <br />3) the average, for, the twelve cities. which we have used in <br />the past as being most comparable to Roseville <br />(coin,s ider ing geographic , diemographic , and other factors) <br />Blaine <br />Brooklyn, Center <br />Eden Prairie <br />Edina <br />FrILdley <br />Golden Valley <br />F.4aplewood <br />.4 n,n,etoinka <br />New Brighton <br />Richfield <br />St,,i Louis Park <br />Shoreview <br />'The last column shows the,, percentage difference between the <br />m,aylor,ls assigned, salary and the coiu,ncil, members' assigned salaries <br />for each city,,& - <br />a di 0 <br />Depend,ingi on which, of the three above averages is used, the <br />salary assigned, to, our mayor is 5% tio 91% below the metropolitan <br />area average . The colunc Oil member salary for Roseville is 4%. to at <br />below the metropolitan area aver,agie. <br />LBK,/k,l <br />