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K <br />May 4, 1992 <br />for the <br />5i Longamoterm Budget Rev ew -The, long-term prospects <br />State Budget appear bleakI, with an estimated 1993/1994 <br />State Budget shortfall of approximately $2 billion. <br />Clearly, the City will, be, under continued pressure to cut <br />our budgets as a-resuit of cuts in State Aid. I <br />irETIO <br />% 0 <br />1, . Sol 3Ld 'Waste Ordinance - <br />2. Recycling ordinance. <br />am <br />tyi Cl <br />31, Ramsey Coun, oloperation Study. <br />4mi <br />FINANCE <br />A,. Oncroincr Mia' • or Activiries <br />3 <br />■ <br />0 <br />1,n Li ciense Bureau Expansion Continued, exploration of new <br />markets and, possibly, a new location for our License Bureau <br />81 if 41 <br />operation w , nicn may be more convenient for the public. <br />2,, Lawful Gambling-�-Continuied monitoring and review of lawful <br />gambling operations and the City"s ordinance* <br />am <br />Fire Relief' Asso *1 1 anol,"a inue <br />C *I c at * on Retirement Program Cont a work <br />to develop a, more pirogriama,t,ic approach to the needs of <br />the Fl lire Rel I*ef' Associat 'ion Retirement ProgramIF including <br />alternatives to the D�ef in,e,d Beilnef 'it- Retirement Program f or <br />young f iriefilghtlersal, <br />al <br />RellocatiLon of the License Bureau--Moved the License Bureau <br />from its previous location, to the old Parks and Recreation <br />1 * <br />Of f i1ces, thereby ma ii more space, available to serve the <br />p I <br />lubil all ic Is, <br />2. Midyear Budget Cuts --Neleded to reduce Caty spending by <br />approximately $651,,000 per yiear as a result 'in the new <br />16 01 0 <br />requirements that cinties pay sales tax on major purchases <br />ef <br />I_ June 1, 1992 ei <br />PARKS AND, RECREATI110a <br />A On Ma or Act <br />goln, ivitles, <br />