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City Counc 1`1 5 May 4, 1 1,9 9 2 <br />I 1 0 01 81 tq-Tm� ;j;NB EK-4 <br />1,. Winter snowplowing and road maintenance—Exemplary perfor- <br />mance, by'MaLlty,"s m ce crews,. <br />2 o 119191 ESP Prolects—most areas completed within the time- <br />Wr <br />line and under budget. <br />Gi 21 <br />3 Spring maintenance activity including road repair leaf <br />pickup, and street sweep ing—completed ahead of schedule <br />a of' inost, neighboring c ommunes. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENTI <br />111111`11:1�tl:ll 11c !11111�11 <br />Hydrant Inspection Program—undertaken in cooperation with <br />the department of' Public Works to, annually ma intain all <br />fire hydrants,. <br />2 F ire Relief Association Ret irement Program—Under revieTini <br />in cooperation with the City Finance, Department. <br />1 Vehicle, Replacement ProgrammmawMaj or push over the last <br />three years resulted in new Fire Rescue Truck, Rebu gilt <br />Fire Pumper Truck, new Aerial, Ladder (scheduled del levery <br />date is October, 1,992) ei <br />2.1 Upgraded ISO Rationg. <br />