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C1 <br />2401 The RoSeViille Area Public Schools STRONGLY AGREE 0 a 4 <br />offer adequate programs for clifted AGREES 01 W 0 * & 401 * * 0 W VA 4t 4k 0, 04,0% <br />and talented, students,. DISAGREEO 0, 0 0 49 0 * 40 is ei a jbi jbi (S 8, % <br />STRONGLY' DISAGREE 2 <br />DON'T FNOW/REFUSED46% <br />1,5* The Roseville Area Public Schools STRONGLY AGREEe*****oee5%- <br />offer adequate -programs for stumm AGREE81 01 61 0 40 01 0 0 41 W 0 o IM37% <br />dents with handicaps and, le,arninig DISAGREE * * a * 9 e * a, s, 6 <br />difficulties. STRONGLY' DISAGREE a * * P, 2 <br />DON'T KNOW/REFUSZD9.,.,,50% <br />16e The Roseville Area Public Schools S TIRONGLY AGREE. . 6 <br />offer adequate programt for stuqw AGREE *I * 0 a * 01 .91 is, 10 0, * a we 0 59%i <br />dents of average talent and abil4m DISAGRE�Eo *, *,vi @I e o, * *I si ip ' <br />I leso STRONGLY DISAGREE 0 0 01% <br />DON I T KNOW/'REFUS'ED . * * 2 8 % <br />i7o Just as people do for their, own STRONGLY' AGREE* * 16% <br />homes, citizens should support AGREE01 0 0 40 , 48 0, 0 4 4p a 0 4b a aIR65% <br />funding the r-emodeling and moldernew DI SAGREE 0 0 6, 01 a 0 * # # W 'it am 0 1i 21 <br />izimg of' older public school STRONGLY DISAGiREE i a 0 0 e 0 1 <br />facilities., DON'T KNOW/REFUSED*evee7� <br />Wh,en'the Roseville Area Publ,-Xc <br />Schools ask, voters to apiprovo a <br />property tax increase, it, is only <br />as a last resort after, officials <br />have considered all other budget <br />alternatives. <br />STRONGLY' AGREE <br />AGREEO 01 0 40 0 * 0 * ob fo g 043% <br />DISAGREES 0, 0 0 Is 0 a a 0 0 # # 025% <br />STRONGLY D,ISAGRE'E*.*,**..,3% <br />DON 11 T KNOW/REFUSED. <br />190 'When teaching subjects such, as STRONGLY AGREE0M'11W#W@0#*e31 <br />'!ilfe, human sexual,itv. and <br />famnly 0 W <br />1c, <br />or, AIDS, Roseville Area Publ' DISAGREE.' . 0 IP * 0 40 9 ft <br />Schools do a good job of balancing STRONGLY DISAGREE.....: <br />instruction and respecting family DON IT KNOW/REFUSEJD4P, 40 9 of) 31 <br />-values, <br />STRONGLY AGREE a * e * o a * s e 4 IS <br />AGREEP <br />DISAGREEei. e * a a oo e oo e oi oi a 5 0% <br />STRONGLY DISAGREEo o * oi . *e3% <br />DON I T KNOW/REFUSED* * 0i 0 10% <br />21,9 In the past, when school buildings STRONGLY AGREE* a 00 # 1*,*, 10 6.41 it, <br />were closed or sold, the decisions AGREE, * * & * e * e * 0 0 a e 9 * e ei,28% <br />were made fairly and on the basis DISAGREE 9 4p o, # $0 - <br />of the most accurate l*nf orm'ation STRONGLY DISAGREE', 01 7% <br />1 <br />at the timeo DON'T KNOW/REFUSED*,.,sw40% <br />,f# <br />K <br />