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REQUEST F'O,RiCOUNCIL ACTION DATEa-4/13/`97j <br />a 0 <br />DepartmentAppr,qpal. Manager Reviewed. <br />ITEM NO fro-**, <br />i�- <br />ir <br />11 go OR • <br />Item Description: Authorilization for feasibility study examining leaf <br />composting operation, <br />We have received several comments and complaints from nature center <br />users regarding the appearance of the site. Also, concerns were <br />expressed about, potentiial water pollution from organic materials running <br />off from the compost pi'Lleis. <br />Accordingly,, staff feels, it is appropriate to have an outside expert <br />examine the operation to determine the following. <br />I I,.. Wheitiher the site, is adequate to ineet our �needs for future <br />6i <br />continuation of the leaf program <br />2 . Analyze the current composting operatiop, <br />1 <br />30, Analyze current program costs., <br />0 <br />Wie solicited proposals from outside consulting engineering firms • <br />assist 'in this study. We have found that the firm of Orr, Schelen, <br />Miayeronl and As,sioc,j'bLa,tesi,, Inc,. (OSM) of Minneapoiis is most qualified to <br />complete the situdy'.1 A copy'lof their proposal i's attached. <br />