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IMM <br />ZLOQUEST FORCOUNCIL ACTION DATE 4/13/92 <br />ITEM N0* <br />r <br />P' <br />The yard must, be f eniced to, keep dogs, on the premises . <br />Dog's raust not create a nuil s,a,nce by excessivie barking or by creating <br />unsanitary li <br />C,. Dogs kepit on the licensed premises do not create a nuisance b <br />excessive w or creating unsanitary, <br />D. Payment of a Yearly license fee pursuant to Section 100.030,, Para <br />graph, 2114 of the Code. <br />1361 The Chief, of Police may deny reliquiests for, renewal of a special <br />f 51 <br />Multiple dogi license based upion complaints, received during the <br />preceding year,Q, In the event of' such, a denial, the applicant may,, <br />within, te,n (10), days of beingadvised of the denial,, request, in <br />wr,itiong, a hearing before the CiLty Council on the denial.. <br />The, City, Aitt,oirney, riecommended the addition, of the appeal process in <br />order, to comply, with due process requirements., Hi4s letter is attached <br />along with the amended <br />' COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED: <br />- attachied ordinance amending section 145.135 of the <br />