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incorporate any additional enhancements that, you may Wish, to add, *in the future as need and <br />budget afise. <br />Ilere are two scenan*,os that nu",gb,t allow us to be able to Purchase some of those <br />enhancements in the main phase Ile budget estimate M*Cludes a ten percent contingency. <br />We may be able to put, that money towards, some of the highest pfiofity enhancemeint,s,. Tle <br />otherpossityl"s that the as wfl*11 co me m less, than the e 1 .red amount, <br />0% <br />Ilere are two main, categories ot additions: Enhancements, and System, Upgrades, Whether <br />you add these enhancements now or at a, later date, they have been, prion I tized and, grouped to <br />0 <br />aid in, purchasing,. <br />ENHANCEMENTS <br />are items, that, when, purchased, add a, capability to the system that was not <br />previously there. Most of the enhancements listed here. do not em'st in other council <br />cIN ambers. <br />First PrIerIty Additions: <br />RGB to NTSC converter <br />Allows a normal personal computer to be hooked up to the systelm for display of' <br />fP <br />charts, gmphs, or other images, <br />�1?4 11 <br />Elmo Slide to Video, couveirter <br />it I a <br />l s unit allows, slides to be In sertea, airectly *into the podium and seen on all the room. <br />monitors, <br />$25,00, <br />1411reless 111crophoue <br />WI <br />This unit would allow the presenter total freedom, of movement-withl"n the chambers. It, <br />would be used pfimanfly for the, recording of presentations and olther special, events., <br />$900 <br />rPj <br />