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�q*I § . 11 <br />LN APPRECIATION TO DORI�S FISHER UPON HER RETIREMENT <br />FROM THE CITY' OF ROSEVILLE <br />WHEREAS Dioris Flisher has served the City of R,osev ielle in an exemplary <br />manner for a total, of twenty-three years w ith the F1 nance Department <br />and <br />a <br />WHEREAS,, Dioris has performed her, dutives as, Utility Billing Specialist <br />ef f iciently and servied Roseville res ildents With tact and courtesy; and <br />I <br />WHEREAS,,, Doris has decided to retire from, her, position with the City; <br />NOW, 'THEREFORE, BE !T RESOLVED., that the City Counciel of the City of <br />01 <br />Rolseville does hereby expreissi itsi sincere appreciation and thanks to <br />61 101 <br />Doris Fisheir flor the commendable manner, in which she has carried out <br />hier duties as a member of the City staff,, and does wish her a long,, <br />happy,, and fulfilling, retirement. <br />The mot on f or the adoption, of the f oriegoing resolution was dulv <br />seconded by Member , and upon a vote being taken thereon, the <br />f0110WJ.nig voted 'pin, favor thereof 4.P <br />and #and the following voted against the same: <br />a <br />WHEREUPON said resolution was declared duly, passed and adopted. <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA) <br />) Sis <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY 11 <br />1,i the undersigned,, being the, duly qualified City Manager of the City of <br />Roseville, County <br />• Ramsey,,, State of Minnesota,, do hereby certify that <br />I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes <br />of a, riegular meeting of said City Council held on the 23rd day of <br />March,i 1992, with, the, original theireof on file in my office. <br />WITNESS MY HAND, officially as, such Manager this day of March, 1992. <br />Steve Sarikozy, City Manager <br />