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17. il lit <br />liq <br />Pursuant, to, dule call and notice, thereof . a regular meet ing of the C1* t <br />,Council of tihe City of Roseville,, County of Ramsey,. <br />held on w of March, 1992, ati 7:130 plaimi, <br />TI e, followiin,g members, were p res nt . <br />and Members absent: <br />Member introduced the following resolution and moved its <br />adoption. <br />0 <br />E CITY OF ROSEVILLE" <br />WHEREAS, Heribeirti Sorenson, has served the City of Roseville with loyalty <br />and delld*catll*on for a total, of I <br />Public <br />Department Maintenance <br />WHEREAS, the performance of his, duties, and responsibillts lways <br />al <br />characterized by a ded,ication to, getitiing the job well done; and <br />di a <br />WHEREAS Hierberit, ha,si dec ided to retire from his position with the City; <br />THEREFORE, f - City of <br />Mosieville dioes hereby, express sincere appreciation and thanks to <br />Uerblert. Sorenson flor the commendable carried out <br />ai ies as a member of the City staff',, and does wish him <br />fta pp and fulfilling e - s <br />'The moltion for the adoption of the foregolioLng resolution was duly <br />seconded by, Membiler , and upon a vote being taken thereon,, the <br />fo�llowing voted, o thereof: <br />and , and the, following voted agiainst the same: <br />q 111�11111110: 11 1111111111 <br />11`111`11 (U��Jmelwn F <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA) <br />SS <br />COUNTY OF RMSEY <br />the ,rr o �- -' ,� �� I _ '� _ aIii "` State of' Minnesota, do hereby certify <br />have, carefully o i p ed the attached - d and, I ii ` 'i iii g extract of 11 <br />of a regular raeleting, of said hel,d,on r • day of <br />19,92, w i,th the original thereof on f ii fin, my of f i ce. <br />al al <br />WITNESIS, MY HAND officially as, such Manager this day of March, 1992. <br />Steve , Sa,rkozy, City Manager <br />SAL <br />