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X-n%.EQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 3-23-92 <br />ITEM NOw:(2 .. <br />Will iam Sievers, on the behalf of the property owner at 152 <br />W. County Road B, has appli`ed for a special use permit an <br />or e <br />variance to allow f the, demolition of the xisting forme <br />Total gas station adjacent to, Har Mar at 1526 W. County Roa' <br />B, Following denolition and, removal of underground tanks, <br />newiJiffy, Lube facility would be constructed on the site. I <br />1i <br />3a Based Planning Commission's concern-, the applicants <br />4 <br />are now negotiating with Har Mar, thus Mr. Sievers has <br />reilque6ted that this 'Item be continued to the April 13, 1992 <br />City Cou cli <br />n 1 meletincr <br />It is . recommended that the City Council continue <br />coins ideration. of William, Sievers request for a special use <br />'it f or an <br />perm automobile service use and for setback <br />variances at 1526 'W,. County Road B until the April 13,, 1992 <br />City Council meeting i. <br />Mot 'in on to approve continuance of Will 'lam Sievers request f or <br />a special use plermit f or an automobile sery ice use and f or <br />setback variances at, 1526, W., County Road B unti 1 the April <br />I <br />13v 1992 City, Clouncil meeting'. <br />