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The moti on for the, adoption of' the f oregoing resolut ion was <br />duly selconded by member and upon a vote being <br />taken, thereoln, the following voted, in favor thereof. <br />and the following voted <br />against the same.1 <br />WHEREUPON saild riesiolution was, dieclared duly passed aniig <br />adopted th, "is day o f <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY' <br />0 0 <br />I., the undeirsigned, being the duly qualified City Manager o <br />A <br />the City of' Rolseville,f County of Ramseyj, State of Minnesota, do <br />biereby certify, that I have carefully compared the attached and <br />1i Gi <br />foregoing extracit of minuties of a meeting of the <br />ld, C"tyi Counc"11 the held on, dav of <br />sa,l 1 1, <br />19912 with the orilginal thleirleof on f ille in my off ice <br />41 <br />WITNESS MY HAND offici ally as such Manager this day <br />of j, 19192* <br />(seial) <br />I <br />Steven 'R,. Sarkozy, City Manager <br />