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City Count 01 Mio nutes, <br />February , 1 <br />G4 Ke) <br />Il! �, <br />r I�' <br />'urging HI-1 Cushman moved,, Pl,. Johnson seconded, that Resolution RESOLUTION <br />expansion .. <br />Water Conservation Fund Program,, be adopted,. Roll <br />Call, Ayes: Thomas, t Johnson,, • <br />Cushman, mloved, Pl,, johnson seconded,, that Resolution RESOLUTION <br />r <br />urging of Minnesota to expand funding <br />for the Stiate Outdoor Recreat ion Grant Program,, <br />m i Roll Call, Ayes: Thomas,, P Johnson, <br />m ar and Johnson. None. <br />issuance Hd--2'i P. johnson z1ovedl Mas,chka seconded, that Resolution RESOLUTION <br />8773,, authorizing the sale of <br />Equipment Certiof 'locates of Indebtedness ('Seriies 1991)t <br />be -d Roll m <br />• Cushman,, None. <br />Cushman oved., P,. Johnson, seconded,, that, Resolution RESOLUTION <br />81774,, a, <br />lr r)riovilpnig Cooperative, Agreement i 69,107' between 87'74, <br />MnDOIT and, the City of Roseville for Rice Street re <br />construction traffic signal, improvements,, be adopted,. <br />Roll Call,,, Ayes: Thomas, Maschkia, Pi Johnson,, Cushman,, <br />Johnson. <br />Moved I rjk +fir Io <br />K-1 Cushman moved, P. Johnson, secionded, tihat the meet3*-ng AWOURNME�NT <br />be, adjourned at 11:35 • i Roll Thomas, <br />Johnson, MM' • <br />wt _ go <br />IT <br />Steven R,, Sar I y, City Manager <br />