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THE EVALUATION <br />This chapter looks at how the concepts in Chaptier 3 can be trlanslat,eid into, facilifies that meet travel <br />needs 'in the re I Wors. The major findings and conclusions, of th"s evaluat' <br />gion's transportation, coffi, I ion <br />chapter arethe basis for the plan recommendations contained, in Chapter 5. <br />9 Mi <br />Many options have been con side in, red preparing, the Transit Capital Facilities Plan, ranging from <br />semce improvements to major transit capital investments., These options, have been evaluated using <br />the following steps: <br />Identifying, the needs and problems along major regional transportation corridors. <br />This analysis is used to recommend transit service improvements as well as capital <br />mp�rovemen,ts.1 <br />41 <br />Identifying what Unds of major capital improvements (HOV l,an,es, LRT or both) are <br />most promising for meeting the transportation needs and problems in the corridors. <br />Ibis analysis also inciudies looking at oppoftunities available in the next few years for <br />reserving HO�V lane capacity for loing-it�erm future needs. <br />For corridors where both, HOV and, LRT are options, identifying which mode or <br />41 <br />combination of modes is, the best transit ftnprovementp <br />a <br />The second and third st,ep�s have been used only for major capital improvements of the Transi <br />Capital Facilities Plan. Special attention, has been given, *in the plan ensuring a balance between nee <br />mg transit alterna,tivesi. Thlsi check ensures that th <br />and opportunities in the region, for inplement" <br />recommended plan is attordable, provides equity ac�ross the region, can be implemented immediatel <br />is fleidble, and *is cost-effective. <br />Coriddor, Needs and Problems <br />Corridor needs and problems have been determined based zest on trans d <br />on, highwa t needs an <br />y conii, i <br />economic Dacts.1 Highway congestion has been, estimated, at two points 'in time, 19•6 and 20 10, and <br />&W <br />"te ranking has been developed. The transit, needs 'indicator is a composite measure of daily <br />a composi <br />transit ridership', carpool/vanpool volumes and transi,t-depend,enti population. The economic impact <br />indicator reflects levels of employment each, corifidor., <br />0 <br />Thie level ofneeds and problems has been categorized as 3mm hizh. high,. m,edi,um and low for each <br />of the indicators and for the overall, corridor ranking�. The results of the analysis are shown in Table <br />4.1 and a more detailed descn'ptt*on is included m* a technical appendix available upon request. <br />IR <br />