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4 <br />177mvironmental Impact Statement, (EIS)i would be needed because of the potential impacts caused by <br />tihe introduction of an, LRT line into the corriaor,., <br />As Previously mentioned, addition of HOV la,nes in, thisi corridor has been discarded as a viable <br />I <br />alternative because of the extremely severe impacts that 'it would have near the twio downtowns and, <br />III <br />west of 28010 Therefore the only viable altematim would be the proposed L,RT line or a bus <br />solution either on mLxed traffic or, foll0vning, an alignment, similar to the LR,T proposal. <br />I <br />A bus solution without separation from other vehicular traffic would create the same severe <br />congestion anticipated for the, general traffic. As a, matter of facti, buses, on, 1-194i are already <br />expenencing sienous delays, at the present, time, particularly at entrance ramps and at selected <br />segments along the corn*dor. <br />'Me preliminary cost estimate for this busi facility has been estimated at $,1,64 million, excludi I ng busies. <br />Even though this capiltalimprovelment is significantly lower than the proposied LRT cost, it would An, <br />resultin, a, lower transit usage because • of the travel time performance, particularly west of Oak Street. <br />A more detailed analysis of trade-ofEs could be conducted ff'a,n federal EIS were completed for the <br />c Wor. <br />om, <br />a <br />The mam" remns to justify an LRT line M* the Central Com"dor as a, cost-effective, improvement are. <br />I <br />It viould constitute the "spine" or "backbone" of' the, regional transit system,, It <br />ponnects the three major transit hubs in the region downtowns and the <br />University of Minnesota,)., <br />It would provide, a needed highm-performance transit solution, m a corri,dor identified <br />41 <br />as one of the two high needs/problems category m the region and where an HOV <br />lane solution, *3 not viable. <br />Mon <br />