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IIl <br />March 1. I I 1 <br />TOO city counicil <br />f <br />The Govierniorl's budget message calls, for a $6,6, million cut 'in local <br />goverment aid, (LGA) The net, impact on Roseville 'i's zero, as can <br />be seen by, Attacilment X, Roseville is not impacted <br />o receive I local government � - � � however <br />0iiiiiiiiiii Mi <br />$1,604,197 in homestead, and agricultural, credit aid (HACA),, <br />In the final analyisiLs,, it seems likely that the Legislature and <br />Governor wl"Al, agree on some uniform, cut 'in State aids to local <br />,government (both LGA and HACA) of somewhere around 4 percent,, <br />'Thi's would mean a cut, to Roseville of approximately $67,000 to be <br />made d p 1992. <br />would, like. to discuss, with city Council, at our breakfast meet- <br />g # o 1 <br />lei The loibibying strategy that the City should take on the <br />Governor-,Is o <br />2.i Briefly discuss the budget amendment process to addres's any <br />di <br />cuts in State al*ld,.i <br />3. Reviiiew the budget direction as, we begin preliminary preparaqM <br />tioin of the, 11993 Buidget. (Please note the, City's tax rate as <br />compared communities Attachment <br />,, your information,, is, Attachment which lists the total <br />cuts for Ill niLt ime,s a <br />I7 <br />Attachments <br />