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FAZW <br />IdsAgeement, entered intiol this day of 1,9 by and between the, <br />es ofRoseville and St, Anthony, mumcipal corporations M* Ramsey County, Mbmesota, hereiafter <br />referred to as "Roseville" an,d'I'Sti. Anthony", respectivelys <br />161-3 *00�1 <br />41 <br />Both segments, of Old T.H., 891 St, Anthony Segment and Rosevffle Se ent, are designated as <br />Municipal State Aid roadways. Both St. Anthony and, Roseville M*'ten,d to submit plans, for their <br />0 4 <br />segments, to, the Minnesota Department of Transportation for approval of the use of' Mumcipil <br />State Aid, Funds. <br />I It is, the desiffire of Rosevillei and St. AmIthony to make said, ftnProvements to, Old T.,H. 8jointly with <br />Roseville coordiiating the project and, the cost th,erieof being, shared, by the two cities, <br />4. This, Agreement sets forth, the agreement between Rosevfile and St. Anthony for said, improvements <br />to Old T.H. 8 pursuant to the, Joint, Power, Act, Minn. Stiat., 471.59., <br />NOW THERIEFORE9 BE IT AGREED by the City of Rosevfile, Minnesota,, and the City of St. <br />e <br />Anthony, Minnesota, as follows. <br />1. Roseville and St., Anthony will, prepare final, plans and specifications for, their respective se ents <br />separately. The two separate plans wfil, be combied, by Roseville for bid letting and construction <br />purposes. The construction contract will be se ented to msure that project cost can, be spHt by <br />seIIIent. <br />0 <br />cquirm s for their own segment. <br />2.1 Each municipaUty wfil be responsible for a, g all agency, approval <br />Each mumcipality must gai, n,ecessiary approvals pnor to the scheduled construction start date. <br />The, construction contract shall be written, to allow the deletion, on, any segment should necessary <br />approvals, not be Ali tai,ed M* a timely, fashion. <br />