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Page 2 <br />Cleveland Avenue <br />2/24/92 <br />rinan='Lal, ImpliLeations: The total Roseville est'mated share of the <br />a <br />@ oiect cost,, including a 10%,contingency factor and 22% engineering <br />charges,, is $118F,0001,w The original, feasibility report contained an <br />41 <br />estimated project cost of $1,22,,000,,, so the final cost based on plans <br />completied to date is very close to the original estimateo <br />,The project, will be finaniced using a, combination of pathway funds, storm <br />6i <br />uti'lity funds,, PMP bond funds,, and special assessments* Exact amounts <br />a It 40 11 <br />allocated to, each source cannot be determined unzi.L bids are received <br />and the, pro3ecti constructed* <br />811taff Relcommendat,iolno, Staff recommends that a publiec heareng be held, <br />9 <br />so the, council and the ubliLc can review the project prior to its <br />construction. The next P regular council meeting date at which the <br />a <br />public hearing can he held, and, the loroper, notices provided would be <br />March, 23, 1,9920 <br />I I <br />51 NI I <br />Adolpt,,lon of a resol,ut,,lon scheduling improvement hearing for March 23,, <br />1992,1 for improvement project, P-ST-SS-90-07., Cleveland Avenuef <br />Larpenteur Avienue to County Road Bi. <br />