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0 -24-92 <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE 0 <br />* 2 <br />ITEM' NO,: <br />III iq� lipiq <br />slam ANILTUP V � � 1 4 <br />Hearing <br />0 <br />I,tlem De,scr ip t" ion: Michael Platt/Fluddruckers request for a sign <br />1i 0 <br />hei,crht variance at 2740 Snelling Avenue <br />North <br />6 Al <br />2* The C-Ity Council has continued considerat ion of this matte <br />until, February 214,, 1992 and d imireicted staf f to send a copy o <br />6 <br />thtle relsolution passed by the Council to MNDOT MNDOT ha <br />not responded to tihe City's request. I <br />3,,o C-l"ity, stiaf f als■l reviewed past files and minutes and <br />determined that Mr.. Platt has expressed concern about the <br />9 <br />impact of Investors Savings Bank on the visibility of his <br />business, prior to construction of the bank and was <br />encouraged to look at signage changes which is what he is now <br />proposing.1 <br />The Roseville Planning Commisision, on a 4-2 vote, recommende <br />approval of M i chalel Platt/Fuddruickers, request f or a sicgF <br />height variance at 2740 Snelling Avenue North subject to th <br />9 11 <br />I <br />cond3. tion, that the variance only apply to the curren <br />restaurant operation, <br />Alternatives: <br />Deny the va,r 111 anice. basied, loin, the f act that no hardship or. <br />practicial difficulty exists. <br />2* Grant tihe variance based, loin the f inding that hardship and <br />practi cal dif ficulties exist on the site,. <br />