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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 02-24-92 <br />ITEM NO,: <br />2. The ex istinig sitie, is zoned R-1 single f am ily residential . <br />two family dwielling is not permitted, therefore, the sit <br />3., It has been the City's policy in the past to conside <br />rezoning any R-1 si te to, R-2 based on the facts of th <br />I <br />indi vidual case. <br />The Planning Commission, on a 6-1 vote, recommended denial o <br />Mr .. Ho I s request for rezoning based on the f act that th <br />proposed, two family dwelling does not f 'it into the characte <br />.M <br />of the neighborhood and could <br />• <br />led to deterioration ove <br />t It I <br />riye. <br />01 <br />Alternatives, <br />Approve the rezoning i f the proposal character with thii,.. <br />neighborhood and would not adversely ef fect the future of thize <br />area . <br />2. Deny the rezoning if the proposed zoning would be detrimental <br />Vi <br />to the neilighborhood a area, <br />702M <br />To approve rezonings which are consistent with the City <br />Oi 01 <br />comprehensive plan and which do not adversely effect th <br />surrounding neighborhood. I <br />To coins ideri riezoning R-1 properties to R-2 on a case by case <br />bias <br />