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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL, ACTION DATE: 2/10/92 <br />ITEM NO.: P.1 <br />Department Approval,** Manager Rev,ieiwed. Agenda Section: <br />Reports and Recormendations <br />FLtem, Description. Seileiction of f irm, to prepare Civic center Maste <br />Landscape Plan . i <br />Bac round, <br />The Council, at its December, 1991 work, session, authorized the staff to <br />al a <br />interview the tihree firms submitting, proposals to prepare the Civic Cen- <br />ter Master Landscape Plan. <br />Firm Propos",.L <br />RLK Associates, $ 4f65G <br />Dahlgren,, Shardlow, & Uban $ 6,r050 <br />SanderB, Wacker,, Wehrman, and, Bergly $12r600 <br />0 11 41 <br />The fj1Lrms were interviewed by Jim Lu,ger, member of the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission* Bob, Bierscheludl and Steve North. All three firms <br />01 <br />are skilled and could pre� are a fine. landscaping plan for the City. <br />P <br />IP a 6 0 a <br />R,LK Associiates is a newi f ilrm wir..n tien f'ull.time staff,. They have done <br />work f or the c 14t i4es of Ho 'N ' <br />pKins,, Robbinsdaie,, Wayzata,, Golden Valley and <br />Shakopleei, 'They, have also, completed the Master Landscape Plan for De L--?. <br />Salle High School, are the pro'Ject landscape architect for all exterior <br />III <br />landscape improvements, at, Mail of America,, plus several other private <br />clients . <br />F <br />!%,,LK proposes to prepare a Master Landscape Plan with the following <br />0 <br />ingiredients.1 <br />The final � lan will provide for phased development of the slote and w1oll <br />P <br />includie cost estimates, for all improvements. <br />IN 0 Mai li <br />Finiancia,jL imi)l icat,i=s, <br />The 1992 Budget, doles not include any funds for the preparation of th <br />R, 0 <br />landscape plan It is recommended that $4,650 be appropriated f rolm. th <br />Cont ingency Fund, I <br />