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i'lle City i Minutes Page <br />January 27, 1992 <br />C'ushman moved, Maschka secondedl # <br />request, for a Special Use Permit for outside storage <br />and f North <br />al <br />approved accordance with the plans presented., <br />Call, Ayes:l P. Jlohndon., Thomas, s and <br />V. o <br />moved, Cushman <br />Fuddruckeris request for, sign height vi <br />Snel.ling Avenue North be continued, to <br />Council. meeting of February 24,, 19i92,9, <br />P. Johnson,, o a <br />Nays.: None. <br />M di <br />Platt/ PLATT/ <br />v=--riance at 2740 FUDDRUCKERS <br />the regular City <br />Roll Call, Ayes. <br />and V. johnson. <br />14aschka, moved, Resolution • <br />requesting permission to erect a dirile,ictional/restau- 8743 <br />rant. sign on, MnDOT property, be adiopted.i Roll Call, <br />A► V.1 johnson. <br />■ o <br />Do OR03-1122ATIONAL BUSINESS <br />D-1 Cushman, moved, Thomas secondedl, that the 1992 Standing a <br />Rules of Procedure O <br />the followi,ng changes: PROCEDURE <br />conflicts RULE 1. Reciular, meeting&. <br />Ill I <br />After the lasit sentence in Rule 1, add: Such meetings <br />may be rescheduled, from time to timme, when scheduling <br />Noel 2 becomes # becomes No. r <br />