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Mr. Steve Sarkoz <br />January 25, 1992 <br />Page 2. 1 <br />Stimulating everyone " s, imagination and <br />sense olf participation 'in setting futurz <br />d 41 <br />ii rile cti on, f or the commun *1 ty. <br />It enables the nel Council the opportunity <br />to initiate the community�wide strategic- <br />planning effort a,ndi accelerate the entire <br />piroice,ss so that the prioposed plan can-be <br />preplared.W'ithin 5-6 months rather than 15-1-11111 <br />months ty,pical of a more open-ended process. <br />It permits Council to establish 'Itself quickly <br />a,si a, dynamic communitiliv-sensitive governing body <br />dies elous of a sound plan to guide budgeting <br />,and deiciLsion making"for next 3-5 years beginning <br />w ith the 1993 city budget. <br />I <br />a <br />The approach suggested in the PROCESS OVERVIEW. Rosev3'_1le <br />Strategic Planning Document, coply 'enclosed, is an excellent one <br />to follow. There are, however, some critical points to consider.* <br />1. Preparation of Council, and staff . to ensure: <br />