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M'' 0 W A a <br />DATE 1/27/92 <br />ITEM NO <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section <br />Consent Agenda <br />V <br />Item, Description: General Donationsi to the City of Roseville <br />1 <br />10011Tej <br />O�veir the, years the, Cli Oil t,y of Rosev ille hasi received many donations fro <br />"I t al I I <br />Ci izens, and prolgram participants, These gifts have been in the fo <br />rl <br />of both, mat..eriai %I s., and m,oneys. Whein staff is notified of a potential <br />fonation,, they first make a determination of whether to recommen <br />iccleptance baseld. on the suitability of the "item for the city. <br />41 $1 <br />r---equest for authorization is then forwarded to the City Council. <br />The, following is the City of Roseville's policy regarding th <br />acceptance of dionations. <br />I W-1h, I 1 —0 ztwi 10"No <br />41 <br />Approved donations f or budgeted items will result 'in a budget <br />reduc,tion. Items- or monellys for items or programs not budgeted wil 11 <br />not be purchased or conducted unless the Council approves the <br />dio,7tiati i o.-f. . <br />01 <br />