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'Roseville City council Minutes Page <br />January 1 , 19912 <br />4. That there be no, public sale, of vehicles on the <br />site & <br />,5. That rilght-of-way be, dedicated, County r <br />B <br />Roll Call, Ayes PI . Johnson,,, ThI , Cushman, <br />Maser <br />vacating C11111111111111114 Cushman movied, Masch,ka seconded,,, that Resolution 8735, RESOLUTION <br />IA North <br />Street,, be i_ Roll Call, P. <br />ORGANIZATIONAL Thomas,,, Cushman,, Mlaschka,, and, V,. joh,n,soin,. Nays. <br />Do <br />Thomas, # <br />official designating signatures accounts # s <br />for 19�912,, be adoptedi, Roll Call,, Ay,es*.i P. Johnson, <br />Thomas, m : None, <br />D Designation t o e # persons <br />feri, sell,, urchase, and deliver securities on behalf <br />withdrawn of the, CiLty was from agenda yr PERSONS <br />Cushman III � � i� Thomas seconded, that !' 8737, RESOLUTION <br />d i Official depositories, a di <br />be Ayes: Thomas,, <br />a Masclhka, and V. Johnsion. Kay-se, None. <br />Ebri-I Pi., Johnson moved,, Thomas seconded, that the following REVISION OF <br />revisions, of' the City of Roseville's Sexual Harassment SEXUAL HARASS= <br />Policy be Vii, MENT POLICY <br />1. Pagie 2,, neixt to last paraigraph. To read as follows.z <br />All superv,31-sors, are required to the City <br />Manager any actions they witness which meet the <br />abovei definition of sexual harassment. <br />Roll Call 0 P. Johnson, Thomasi Cushman, <br />