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e .n,g Rules of' Procedure <br />0 1-1 P ow <br />4o Any member may abstain f rom voting or disquailry <br />himself/herself . The reason for disqualif 1* cation or <br />absitent 11"on must be stated by the member and entered in <br />tihe minutels, If a member d isqualif ies h1p-Mself/herself <br />he/she may leave the room while the issue is be ing <br />idered. <br />coinsli <br />I <br />RULE 10. Ordinanceg. <br />Any Counc 1111 member may request the City Manager to prepare a- <br />prioploisied ordinance. There,, shall be a delay of at least twa <br />weeks betwieen the *initial presentation and final vote 'if <br />such proposed, ordinance is requested by a Council Member, <br />RULE 11 'Rules of Orderi.i <br />*1 n <br />The rules of parliamentary practice embraced Roberts <br />Rules of Order, (Revlsed) shall govern the Council procedure <br />in cases 'to, which they are applicable and to which they are <br />10 <br />not 'inconsistent with the Standing Rules of Order and Busi� <br />ness of the Ciounc,il. <br />I@ <br />RULE 12, SiusNip ension of Rules,, <br />Nol rule of the Council shall be suspended without the <br />concurrence of at lleast, four (4), members of the Council, <br />RULE 13. Order of Business, <br />The following shall be the order of business of the Council: <br />