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-T <br />no[* <br />L <br />DATE: 1/23/92 <br />a <br />ITEM NO* <br />11P <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section. <br />Reports and RecommendaticnS <br />item Description;P, Requesting Parks and, Recreation Commission <br />Review Golf Facilities Feasibility Study <br />BACKGROUND <br />0 <br />At, the january 21,, 1,992 'Work Session, the City Council received the <br />feasibility report, for additional golf facilities from Dah1gren, <br />f <br />Shardlow Ubian and Associates. Theil study addresses the potential for <br />4 41 a 41 <br />add lonal golf f a,c3 i i ti,es and f inancia,l feas ibility of construction <br />11 <br />and operation of' these facilities. <br />0 owl At a [Q <br />I <br />The direction tiol have the Park and Recreation Commission review the <br />6 0 4 <br />f eas ib 11 ity study and make recommelindat lions is consistent with the <br />is 0 * th the <br />ch, g the Park and Recreation Commission wi <br />C 14ty Ord inance argin <br />responsibility tiol give adv ice on, matters relat ing to Parks and <br />$1 4 <br />Recreation faciUt3 1 es. and, programs,, <br />FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS <br />I <br />Staf f recommends the Council reiqu,est the Parks and Recreation <br />9 0 <br />Clommiss "ion reew the f easib ility study and make recommendation. <br />a a 0 <br />Motion request ling, the Parks and Recreation Commission review the Golf <br />,Coiu,rs,e Feasib Oil ity Study prepared biy DSU and make recommendations to <br />the City, Councile <br />