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41 <br />f�,9,91 Standing Rules of Procedure Page 2 <br />RULE 9 a 6 - <br />s' ial,l be <br />Roll called from the presiding officer's <br />1 in Call h <br />right, to his/her left,, except the prer*iding officer <br />sl.ti.iall vote last* <br />61 <br />2. Each individuall's vote shall be entered in the minutes. <br />3 Mi Any member may abstain, from voting or disqualify <br />himseIf/herself The, reason for disqualification or <br />I <br />,abstention must be stated by the member and entered in <br />q Ii <br />the minuties.1 if a member disqualifies hlomself/herself, <br />he/she may leave the room, while the issue is being <br />con,sid,eried.i <br />RULE 10,, Ordinances. <br />Any Counicil member may request the City Manager to prepare a <br />proposed, orldinianc,e.1 There shall be a delay of at least two <br />0 11 <br />weeks between the initial Presentation and f 11nal vote if <br />I$ <br />su,ich proposed ordinance is requested by a Council Member. <br />Gko <br />RULE 11a Rules of' Order <br />The ,ru,leis, of parliamentary, pract 'ice embraced. 'in Roberts <br />Rules of' Order (Revised) shall govern the Council procedure <br />in cases towhich they arle applicable and to which they are <br />not inconsistent with the Standing Rules of Order and Busil- <br />I <br />nesis of the Counicil. <br />F <br />XULE 12 suspension. of' Ruljj. <br />No rulell o,f the council shall be suspended without the <br />concurrence of at least four (4) members of the Council. <br />RULE 13, Prider of"Busionesse <br />The following shall be the order of business of the Counc oil <br />I., Items 'Tabled <br />a <br />other Bus3.nes� <br />10141-11 (ITA ft-W <br />