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lei .1 0 <br />Falcoin Hei*ghtls/Rosieviffle Citizen Colffurdssi'on, <br />. OpportunIffies, for Cooperation Study <br />N'ex,t Meeting-.11 Wednesday, January, 8,1992 <br />7000 POM41 <br />Falcon HeI*ights Cifty Hall <br />%rpose. Tol reviewi and comment on the impficaflons of sihanng services or <br />a merger between, Falcon Hel*ghtsand Rolsielvflle. <br />Acceptance of Meefing Notes -- December 10�, 1991 <br />What are the land uses M' the two cIftiels'lli? Are they compatible? A, represenli <br />vi <br />tilative from each cilty wiW, provi*de ffiformation. 7:00 - 76210 <br />Four areas, to ble di@scusisield this everaffig. <br />COMMUnitv Development 7:20 - 7040 <br />Government and, Admi'nistrafion 7:140 -i 8-21011 <br />4i <br />Ambulance and Firle (Public Health) 8-000 -18:20 <br />Present and Future Fhiancl*ial Status of <br />Both, Ofties 8-820 - 8:140 <br />