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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE so 10/ 14/ 9 1 <br />Department App oval I.. Manager, Reviewed,: Agenda Section: <br />Revorts and Recommendations <br />0 <br />item Desarilpt:Vbn: Receilpt of petition requesting street light <br />IN Aw � <br />..improvemenv.s, Millwood Avenue at Farrington Street <br />and Western Avenue <br />Backgriounds. A petition was received an September 24, 1991, from a group <br />of property owners in the Millwood neighborhood-near the intersections <br />of Farr,inciton and, Western, The property owners are petitioning the <br />installation of streets licjht in accordance with city policy. <br />a <br />This neighborhood, is, an underground, service, area. City policy require <br />assess m <br />ient of the extra costs • <br />which the city 'is charged by NSP for the <br />V 11 <br />installation of underground street lighting systems,, <br />6 D q <br />Policy Obl ectives.* The, petition recleivied is consistent with city policy <br />3 <br />requiring assessment of extra costs for the installation of underground <br />street lights in underground utility service areas. <br />a 6 <br />Consistent with, normal, public improvement statutory proceedings, the <br />a <br />petition must be received by the city council and a feasibility report <br />prepared,. FollowiLng completion of the feasibility report, a public <br />1 0, <br />hearing 'will, be,, scheduled and the c3 I ty council will consider whether <br />4 11 1 <br />wishes, to proceed w*th the prolect.. <br />PI 0 <br />Financial Implicationses The project will be assessed again, st <br />petit ioning property owners 'The actual cost of the pro)" ect will be <br />10 <br />`Wl'ty report is completed. <br />d-eterminiedi when the f'easi, 1 1 <br />11 mil ls <br />4*ie) I Y114y"0*11b V1q*V,,%4 <br />1 0 <br />Adoption of resol,u,tiio�n receiving pletition, and authorizing the <br />Preparation of a feasil'bility report for street lighting 'improvements on <br />I <br />Millwood Avenue at the intersections of' Farrington Street and Western <br />,vvenue <br />