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'ARNWESQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 10/14/91 <br />DepartmentAp w <br />priv,,,w, <br />7M <br />Reports and Recommendat s <br />0 <br />Item Descriptxon: Release of easement at 28061 Merrill Street <br />41 <br />Pinaincial xmplications: The City of Rosiev illei pa old $500 for the <br />,a <br />original, easement 'in, 19�62.. Upon releasing the easement, any further <br />financial burden relating to the easement area, will be the homeownerls <br />responsibility. <br />Sita,f f Recommendati 119on: Due to , the construction of the permanent storm <br />0 <br />siew,er pipe in, Merrill Street, the need for the culvert system is <br />unnecessary:,, Releas I* ngi the old easement would remove a cloud on the <br />title and release the City of Roseville from any further f ignancial <br />buriden . <br />RECOMMMED COUNCIL ACTION** <br />Adoption of a m,oti 'loin author lezing the execution of a release of easement <br />by the Mayor and, City Manager and direct ing, st,a,f f to record the document <br />at Ramsiey, Countyi <br />