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40'TyI <br />lea _I <br />Pursuant a call and notice thereof meet e City <br />Council, Roseville, Ramsey, • a was duly <br />held on _ 14th I October,, <br />The, following members were present: <br />and the following were absent: <br />Member introduced the following resolution and moved its <br />adoption: <br />1992 ROSEFEST PARADE <br />AS PART 01F <br />ANNUAL + yy. <br />years; WHEREAS, the City of Roseville has, held, the, annual Rosefest Celebra- <br />WHEREAS, 'the City has sponsored a successful parade since 1990 as part <br />of <br />WHEREAS,i the City continues to support wholesome family fun and <br />r <br />THEREFORE, ICI IT, RESOLVED, that the City of Roseville will hold a <br />parade on June 29,, 1992, at 6:30 pm,,, as part of the annual Rosefest <br />Celebration. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City of Roseville authorizes the City <br />Parade Committeet under the supervision of the Roseville Parks and <br />Recreation Department, to organize,,, raise funds for, and host the <br />Ros,efesit Parade. <br />The motilon for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly <br />seconded by Member i and upon a vote be-Ing taken thereon, the <br />following voted in favor th,erieof: <br />a-nd the following voted against the, same: <br />Ill-HEREUPON said resiolution was declared, duly passed and adopted. <br />