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I <br />RUMEQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE* 10-28-91 <br />ITEM <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />Consent <br />0 <br />item Descript ion: Adair Marvin request for a minor variance at <br />1770 Stanbir3l'-dge Avenue. <br />City ordinances require that attached garages be setback 30 <br />feet from adj11acent streets. <br />2. Adal' ri M�ary 'in, wishes to construct an additional garage stall <br />0 41 AN a, <br />onto his exiszinig attached, sincrle car garage, This proposed <br />additional garage stall would have a setback of 18 feet 3 <br />61 <br />inches imnstead,o,f the required 30 feet,. <br />it is recommended that the Cl'ty Councill approve Ada ir <br />A 9 <br />Marvin's reque-st flor a minor 'variance at 1770 Stanbridge <br />Avenue . <br />