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CHARGE TO FALCON REIGHTS/ROSEVILLE CITIZENS iF COMMITTEE ON <br />COOPERATIVE OPPORTUNITIES <br />In an effort to continue to prov idiei h lugh, quality and low cost ser <br />vice, to the ir resildeintsi the neighboring cities of Falcon Height <br />anid Roseville conm issioned a study by Delo latte & Touche Managemen <br />Consult "Ing to assess a broad range of cooperative opportunit <br />Suggest, process tio bell used for community considera- <br />ti= of' the possible cooperative opportunities. <br />a 4 <br />The Citizens Comm, iss 'ion, 'is asked to respond by December 19, <br />199161 <br />0 <br />The Citizens' Commissions first task 'is the election of co-chairs <br />one from, each, city,. The, co-chairs, will chair meetings on a <br />alternatei basis . I <br />I t 9 1 <br />The, Ci izensil Commission may uze City staff and the Deloitte <br />T'ouc,he coinsultiants as resources in carrying out its task, This ma <br />i i 11 q <br />or may not include attending the Citizenst Commission's meetings. <br />