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The bonds being recommended fo�r isuance, along With current dollars, M' the debt service fund, Will provide <br />for a, fiffl refunding of all current outstanding bonds due after February 1, 1994% Reftinding cannot 1w <br />earlier because the call, date is, not until February 1, 1994. During the years of'1992 and, 1993, the <br />roceeds of this "issue will be kept in an escrow account, with the & '01 1 <br />p earnings paying, the issue's intaest until, 1994. <br />At that time the escrow will be released to, call all of the remaining onginal 1985 1A ionds.1 <br />The. issuance of the public improvement issue is necessary to cover the costs of projects completed and to <br />provide for a continuation, of the paving management program., The debt service, has, been included MO the <br />1992, levy and is part', of the 1992 budget. <br />The re ding NVI,R result, 'in Savings of debt service from 1995 through, 2006 *in excess, of $400,000 annually. <br />Them savm'gs, directly result Mi acbievmg an lower rate of interest over what 'is. currently being, paid on the <br />outstanding debt,., <br />4 <br />On, the, basi's ofcontinuation of the paving management program and, to save substantial funds on the out- <br />standing tax m-crement debt, issues,, staff is recommending the approval of the, Public Improvements bond' <br />M <br />issue, and ffie tax ' rement refiuiding bonds. <br />F, <br />Mofion, to accept ffie attached Resoludons provmg for ffie issuance of $20,035,,000 of General, Obligation <br />Tax Increment Refunding Bonds Series 19,92, and $2,200,000 of General Obligation Public Improvement <br />Bonds Series 18�. <br />