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0 .''fit .., it- <br />0-ilruary 27,, 1990 <br />I <br />TO City Council <br />FROM: Steve Sarkozy, City Manager <br />SUBJECT:' COUWCI� W'ORiK SESSION � � I GEXANPS RESTAURANT <br />L 1p RR D <br />WEDNESDAY', FEBRUARY 281, 1990, 79030 AeX* <br />At our recent, "Teiam Building" sessilon, we discussed- the need for <br />a Strategic Planning p roicesisi, <br />is Purpose:, <br />A41 Develop a ''Vision of the community, ten to twenty years <br />0, <br />in the future, <br />Bo Develop strategies and Priorities for reaching 'identified <br />V <br />obj eictives <br />C. Develop action plans to accomplish goals,, <br />Possible or Exioected, Outcomes �: <br />A, A better understanding of' 'where we are today and where <br />we will be in, ten years.1 <br />B. The dieviellopment of a concise set of community needs, <br />Which become the focus of' the Cityls effort for several <br />years to come. <br />C. The idevielolpime,nti of consensus 'in the community as to our <br />,telelds <br />0 h to spend some t. ime on the Purpose and Expected <br />City Council may wisi <br />Outicomies of the Strateigic Plann :Lng proicess as they become cr iltical <br />to the planning • the proJect, <br />Many communities-in our area have undertaken such a planninq pro- <br />cless and, have uti'lized consulta,nts as facilitators. The role of <br />the.consultant is widely held a as critical to the success of the <br />pro3ect. The consultant priovides- an unbiased facation that <br />can also bring some unique, professional perspectives to the <br />procesS. <br />I <br />Attached 1.s a draft of possible f'orima,t for this process, It <br />would be helpful 'if' you could review this prior to our meeting," <br />F <br />Nespectfully subm.1"itted, <br />Attaichment, <br />