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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION DATE: 3-25-91 <br />ITIEM NO, : 3 10 <br />b. Wilfred, Langer request for a 5 foot variance at 1312 <br />Shryer Avenue. <br />C Charles Siclot,t, request for a 2 foot variance at 1300 <br />Shryer Avenue,, <br />do Ralph Gagne request for a 2 foot variance at 1300 Draper <br />Avenue., <br />eo James Melville request for a 5 foot variance at 11,94 <br />Skillman Avenue. <br />f Is Donald McKoskey request for a 5 foot variance at 12 9 6 <br />Ryan Avenue,. <br />910 John Manges request for a 4 foot variance at 1205 <br />Eldr iLdcrie Avenue. <br />41 <br />118 To bring exist lang non-con,f oirm, ing driveways in conformance <br />ith the orldionance 3. 11 0 a 5 <br />w by e * th <br />e r granting a variance or requiring <br />thiati they be installed with proper 5 foot setbacks, <br />Staff Recommendation: <br />it is recce =ended that the City Council approve the blanket <br />minor variances as requested <br />1. <br />Motion to approve the blanket minor variances as reques tee e <br />