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1ZAXTRACT OF MINUTES OF' MEETING OF THE <br />Pursuant to, due call, and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City <br />Council of the, City of Roseville, County, of Ramsey, Minnesota was duly <br />held on the,, 22nd day of January,, 19190,, at 7:30 p,.m,. <br />The following members were prelsent* <br />and the following were absent. <br />Member i ntroduced the following resolution and moved its <br />adoption: <br />*14101 kilo 40 <br />% 0-1 <br />"1191M <br />6 <br />WHEREAS, Tax Increment Financing has been a critical redevelopment <br />6 9 <br />tool for first riing suburbs such as, Roseville; and <br />WHEREAS,, through, the reduction, of state and federal development funds <br />many <br />Tax Increment Financingy in situations, is the only remaining <br />tool, for citi'Les; and, <br />WHEREAS Tax Increment F inancing has been critical to the City in <br />leveraging $146 mon 'in new investment, and 2,,800 jobs; and <br />a <br />WHEREAS, Tax Increment Financing has been used in critical pro3ects 'in <br />$I J0 <br />collaboration with the Countiyfs Community Development Block Grant <br />Program for redevellopment projects such as Byerlyls; and <br />WHEREAS, leg islative proposals have been considered that would place <br />I <br />caps on tax increment and limit pooling activities* <br />F <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the city of Roseville 'is opposet <br />I @ <br />to anV caps and, polol ing restrictions relating to tax increment.. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESiOLVED that, the CI*ty respectfully requests Ramsey <br />County's support in opposing any legislation that would place caps on <br />4 <br />Tax In,icreiment Financinigi and restrict pooling of tax increment dollars. <br />The motion for the ia,doption of the foregoing resolution was duly <br />seconded by Membeir . and, upon a vote being taken <br />ther,eoln,, the following voted 'in favor there,oif: <br />qP <br />and the following voted against the same.. <br />WHEREUPON' sa id resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.. <br />