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11 <br />Page two <br />January 1,7, 1990 <br />$1,PiSo 1000,, As s shown above, the Car'l sle Apartments are <br />indebted in the amount of $1,174.,647,17, which is $240674.17 in <br />exceiiss of the amount olf pre-existin,g debt agreed upon. <br />0 <br />We have no objection to tb,e City disbursing the funds, and if <br />ap,priovled by the City Council, the Agreement must be amended'. <br />moves that, the Agreement between <br />the City olf R,osev I'lle and Roseh ill, Partnership be <br />amended as follows'.1 <br />The amount of $1,150,000.010 as shown iLn <br />paragra,ph I olf the section en,tiitled <br />CONDITIONS shoulid be amended, to read <br />11 <br />If this disbursement is approved by the Council, we will file the <br />flollowing paper's with the County Recorder: <br />1. Contract for Deed, between Carlisle Company and Rosehill <br />Par t ne ri sh, i*p 061 <br />2. Mortgaige between the City and Rosehill Partnership,* and <br />f <br />31.. Copy of Agreement between the City and Rosehil <br />Piart,nershi,pi 4% 1 <br />Enclosiedi is the origi"'nal Promissory Note which the City should <br />keep in a saf e place <br />R,Cap <br />E'nc,. <br />cc: Stievie Sarkozy <br />